Atendimento à cliente, Criação de valor, Fidelização, Serviços de belezaAbstract
This report deals with the implementation of a consultancy carried out for Beauty, a salon in the city of São Paulo - SP with 9 years of existence and which was in full growth. However, it faced challenges after the COVID 19 pandemic in billing, clients and changes in the staff and partners. In order to retain customers and increase revenue, there was a need to implement the change strategy. To this end, applied qualitative research sought to identify the satisfaction of salon-going customers while quantitative research sought to understand post-pandemic consumer behavior. In analyzing the survey results, it was concluded that there was a need to create value for the customer through a complete experience with a variety of services. The intervention took place through the development of care and the increase of the service portfolio with its internal and external dissemination. Customer loyalty, the realization of more services by customers who frequent the salon, greater reach of the salon to new audiences and, consequently, an increase in revenue were the results achieved with the intervention carried out in a partial way. The intervention can be considered highly complex due to the possibility of human behavior interfering in the proposed solutions. The techniques implemented are simple, but people's engagement in carrying them out penetrates the unpredictability of human behavior. The project adopted the methodology of solving organizational problems or seizing opportunities and is inspired by the Disney-based service approach.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Lilian Aparecida P Miguel, Lunna Horleana Souza Dias, Marcos Antonio Franklin
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