Competitive intelligence in the innovation of open banking
Competitive intelligence, Innovation, Open banking, Competitive intelligence cycleResumo
Purpose: Verify how the Competitive Intelligence Cycle (CIC) can be used to generate inputs for managing
the innovation process of open banking.
Design/methodology/approach: To reach the purpose goal, a qualitative, descriptive, and exploratory
approach was chosen. The sector chosen was the financial industry in Brazil, with the participation of
six national banks. Data analysis was conducted using content analysis.
Findings: The CIC is integrated into the innovation processes in banks as a starting point for unleashing
Research limitations/implications: The results described here are typical of the sample studied within
the financial market and cannot be generalized.
Practical implications: The results show important insights for CIC and innovation process researchers
that can allow new research about its applications.
Social implications: Banks, fintechs, and digital retail companies will have the opportunity to develop
within their planning and product areas, and exchange knowledge with university researchers.
Originality/value: At the end of the research, a scheme of interrelationships between the identified
categories is presented, suggesting that the CIC develops through the search for information, generating
useful results to promote the development and improvement of products and services related to open
banking innovation.
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