Transaction costs, Agency Costs, Operational EfficiencyAbstract
This work was developed in a Third Sector Institution that faces challenges to promote social inclusion through the personal and professional development of adolescents, young people, adults. Its objective was to propose solutions to minimize the main transaction and branch costs that impact the performance of the Institution's activities. The problem-solving methodology of Marcondes, Miguel, Franklin, and Perez (2017) was used to analyze the context of action, diagnose the causes of the problem, and develop a solution proposal. It was found that the transaction costs result from the efforts of negotiation and drafting of contracts with suppliers, monitoring actions, risk prevention and lawsuits, while the main agency costs come from the efforts of recruitment, coordination and monitoring of teams, actions for the alignment of interests between agents and the principal. In this context, the proposed solution focused on strengthening strategic partnerships, investments in preventive maintenance, training of professionals, updating the management system, monitoring, evaluation and engagement of teams. With the implementation of the proposal, it is expected that the Institution will overcome the challenges and achieve results that benefit the participants, preparing them for the job market, thus fulfilling its institutional mission
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Copyright (c) 2024 Tatiane Teixeira Neri do Nascimento, Daniela Sakashita, Adilson Aderito da Silva
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