Personal shopper, Personal shopper. Inovação em serviço. Moda de luxo e premium. Plataforma de intermediação. Produtos de moda., Moda luxo e premium, Plataforma de intermediação, Produtos de modaAbstract
This technological article aims to present a proposal to take advantage of an opportunity identified for the implementation of the company Luxury&Style, which aims to offer the market the personal shopper service with an intermediation platform for purchases of luxury and premium fashion products between the United States of America. America and Brazil. Its application consisted of analyzes in the internal and external environment, adopting as a solution to propose that the activities and business model of “Luxury&Style” can be tested so that the company's growth occurs simultaneously with the execution of the services that the company intends offer on the market. The proposed solution suggests the implementation of innovation in service, as demonstrated by the interest of the target audience that was approached in the field research carried out in services that have personalized service and guarantees when purchasing products. The complexity in the development was due to the fact that the company is based in the United States, in the city of Austin – Texas, and must follow the rules of that country. However, the facilitating item originated from the results of field research and verification of the volume of searches about the service on the internet, which were favorable, indicating the demand for the personal shopper service. The impact that Luxury&Style achieves expected results to proceed with the proposal, carrying out its implementation, it is expected that the company will make its services available on the market, maintaining its initial characteristics.
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