Creating Value through the Connection between Luna Education Stakeholders


  • Taurã Figueiredo Rosa Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie
  • Lilian Aparecida P Miguel Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie


Value creation, Technology, Marketplace, Education, Edtech


Brazilian education is considered one of the most deficient in the world, and it is in this context that Luna Educação is included, a company who seeks to improve public education through the creation of value arising from the use of technologies that connect public education stakeholders. Expanding the understanding of the student’s socioeconomic context, there was an opportunity to connect him/her to the job market, in a concept similar to the marketplace, where, again, the connection of these stakeholders generates value for both parties. Observing the current structure of Luna Educação and its products, there was a challenge to take advantage of this opportunity, which was the objective of this work. The proposed and implemented solution led to the implementation of process changes, analysis of internal and external resources, creation of alliances and technological innovation, so that it was possible to achieve the possibility of gaining the desired scale that would allow the creation of a new product that would connect high school students from public schools with the job market, creating a revenue line for Luna Educação and changing the lives of thousands of young people. Given the number of students in the Brazilian education system, there was a need for significant capital investment. In addition, this solution involves a significant level of complexity, as it is multifaceted, with the need to act in simultaneous initiatives, involving the company, public education agencies, teachers and students’ parents to overcome the challenge, including change from product development processes, use of large-scale printers to real-time reporting software.


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Author Biography

Lilian Aparecida P Miguel, Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie

Experiência profissional em empresas multinacionais, como executiva em Vendas e Marketing, mercados nacional e internacional, Planejamento Estratégico, nível nacional e internacional, com ampla atuação nas áreas de Administração, com ênfase em desenvolvimento de mercados, planejamento mercadológico e estratégico em mercados nacionais e internacionais. Doutora em Administração de Empresas (2010), pela Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie. É professora do núcleo docente permanente do Mestrado Profissional em Administração do Desenvolvimento de Negócios do Centro de Ciências Sociais e Aplicadas da Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie. Coordena atualmente a equipe de orientadores de trabalhos de conclusão do curso de graduação em administração, ciências contábeis e ciência econômicas, nas unidades de São Paulo, Alphaville e Campinas.



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How to Cite

Figueiredo Rosa, T., & Miguel, L. A. P. (2021). Creating Value through the Connection between Luna Education Stakeholders. Práticas Em Contabilidade E Gestão, 9(2), 1–29. Retrieved from