Collaborative Integration and Agility in Information Technology Projects from Senac São Paulo


  • Marcelo Diniz Augusto Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie
  • Alberto de Medeiros Júnior Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie


DevOps, Agile Methodology, Information Technology


This technical report analyzes IT project management methodologies and integration of teams in the corporate environment of Senac-SP. The study was based on different project management methodologies, demonstrating their usefulness and applicability and the phases covered until the result's delivery. The adoption of a management model is based on a strong alignment with the strategic objectives of the business and the respective areas in question to obtain the best solution despite the gaps that can be identified during its adoption. A relative increase in delays in the delivery schedules of technology projects and collaboration between technology specialists was observed in the entity. Senac-SP has many projects in line for execution. The different assets and technological platforms demonstrate difficulties in the face of operations, platform development, quality, and support, which can directly affect the delivery or support of a technological asset. Therefore, this report aims to present the development of a solution to the problem defined in the technology area, referring to the delay in project deliveries in the technology department of Senac São Paulo. Integrating collected data and business adds knowledge to agile project management methodology and structural changes in technology teams. This report reinforces the possibility of organizational changes even in conservative corporate environments, reinforcing those involved.


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Author Biographies

Marcelo Diniz Augusto, Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie

Master in Business Development Administration (2020). MBA in Business Administration from FAAP (2010). Degree in Computer Science from Universidade Paulista (2007).

Alberto de Medeiros Júnior, Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie

PhD (2007) and Master (2002) in Production Engineering from the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo, Graduated in Social Communication (1976) from Fundação Armando Álvares Penteado (FAAP). Is currently professor of the permanent teaching staff of the Professional Master's in Business Development Administration at the Center for Social and Applied Sciences at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie. Has experience as an executive, entrepreneur and consultant in weaving, processing, clothing and software companies for textile industries.



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How to Cite

Diniz Augusto, M., & de Medeiros Júnior, A. (2023). Collaborative Integration and Agility in Information Technology Projects from Senac São Paulo. Práticas Em Contabilidade E Gestão, 11(2). Retrieved from

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