Socially responsible fiscal convergence
The path to fiscal responsibility is the guarantee of Bolsa Família
Bolsa Família, Public Policies, Fiscal Responsibility, Teto de Gastos, Socially Responsible Fiscal ConvergenceAbstract
The aim of this article is analysing the importance of fiscal responsibility and social responsibility walking together. The concession of the “Bolsa Família” program and other public policies are sustainable in the long run since accompanied by responsible fiscal policies. In the first chapter this article will present thoughts on the importance public policies have for the citizenship and how the Brazilian Federal State was designed based on a cooperative logic which prioritise the distribution of fiscal resources with the sole purpose of consolidating a Welfare State. The second chapter will demonstrate the risk of fiscal unsustainability and systemic crisis the Brazilian federation is taking in case fiscal budgetary control rules, such as the “teto de gastos”, are abolished without any other norms replacing them and will demonstrate how is it possible to take a path of control and fiscal sustainability that are sustainable in the long run and that brings the expected macroeconomic benefits and allows the development of public policies, among which the “Bolsa Família” program. This is the socially responsible fiscal convergence path.
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