The challenges of the pandemic due to the “apartheids” in terra brasilis:

a viewpoint from the perspective of social security for the post-covid-19 era


  • Dariel Santana Filho UniCeub-DF/Universidade de Salamanca
  • Marcelo Fernando Borsio UDF
  • Paulo Campanha Santana Centro Universitário do Distrito Federal


This paper aims to analyze the main consequences of COVID-19 for the legal world and point out ways to mitigate them. As central questions of the research problem, it is asked what are the impacts of the multifaceted inequalities in our homeland in facing the pandemic and what are the solutions for mitigating the procedural hecatomb in the post-COVID-19 era. The research method was hypothetical-deductive and, as a methodology, exploratory bibliographic research and qualitative analysis were used. It is concluded that the way to avoid the procedural pandemic necessarily passes through the adoption of alternative techniques, as a priority, extrajudicial resolution of conflicts, in which the parties involved assume the leading role in solving their own problems. The solidarity institute should be rewritten in that dimension of a state that should not be so strong as to exude freedom, but it should not be so languid as to strike down those who are already vulnerable. It is time for everyone to help develop a new model of capitalism: humanist capitalism, where development is not the opposite of well-being, where Economy is not the enemy of Health, where profit is not the emulator of people.

Author Biographies

Dariel Santana Filho, UniCeub-DF/Universidade de Salamanca

PhD in Law from the University Center of Brasília (UniCeub-DF). Post-doctoral student in Social and Diffuse Rights at the University of Salamanca. Master of Laws from the Catholic University of Petrópolis. Postgraduate in Civil Law, Labor Procedure, Civil Procedure and Labor Law. Graduated in Law and Economics. He is currently a federal prosecutor and professor of social security law.

Marcelo Fernando Borsio, UDF

Full professor at the University Center of the Federal District (UDF), in the master's degree program in Social and Labor Relations Law, in Social Security and Social Security Law. Post-doctorate in Social Security Law and visiting professor, under the supervision of Prof. José Luis Tortuero Plaza, at the Complutense University of Madrid. Post-doctorate in Social Security Law and visiting professor, under the supervision of Prof. Giuseppe Ludovico, at the University of Milan. Doctor and Master in Social Security Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP). President of the Social Security Appeals Council (CRPS). Member of the Asociación Española de Salud y Seguridad Social.Founding member of the Brazilian Academy of Social Security Law, holder of chair no. 15. Author and coordinator of published works.

Paulo Campanha Santana, Centro Universitário do Distrito Federal

Post-doctoral student in Law, with a specialization in Legal Science and a double degree from Vale do Itajaí University and Delaware Widener University Law School. PhD student in Information Science at the University of Brasília (UnB). Graduating in Computer Science from Cruzeiro do Sul University (Unicsul). Post-doctorate in Law and New Technologies from the Mediterranea International Center for Human Rights Research (MICHR) and the Law School of the University of São Paulo (USP). Lawyer, registered with the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB) in the Federal District (DF) and coordinator of the Academic Master's Program in Social and Labor Relations Law at the Centro Universitário do Distrito Federal (UDF).


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Citizenship shaping the State