Gestão de riscos corporativos, desenvolvimento de negócios, Criação de Valor, Estratégia, indústria de AlumínioAbstract
This technological report describes an interventionist action carried out with the objective of promoting the improvement of Corporate Risk Management (GRC) in a Brazilian company in the aluminum production sector. The project was conducted using methodological procedures characteristic of interventionist research, in which practical and applied work is produced dedicated to solving organizational problems, in search of strengthening the use of opportunities. Based on the understanding of the initial situation, a diagnosis and the proposition and implementation of strategies for the acculturation and operationalization of GRC were carried out with a view to creating value for various stakeholders. The main result was an increase in the maturity level of GRC, mitigating the risks inherent to operations, in synergy with strategic planning, generating value for shareholders. By sharing the experience carried out through this narrative, it is expected to contribute to the expansion of knowledge on the topic, complementing theories in use on the phenomenon addressed from the description of the effects resulting from the application of conceptual models in the empirical plan under study. The construction of the diagnosis, proposition, and implementation of actions with the application of concepts and use of a structured method in solving a problem common to contemporary organizations allowed not only to reconstruct the current theory in the company but also to offer an example capable of replication in similar situations, extending the contribution to other organizations facing similar scenarios, in parallel with the expansion of academic knowledge.
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