Internationalization of the Brand Management Business Group in Logomarked Products


  • Chistopher Capelache Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie
  • Alberto de Medeiros Júnior Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie


Entrepreneurship, Technology, Innovation


This article approaches a research applied to decision, based on the internationalization opportunity of the AB group (assumed name), of brand management companies for branded products in Latin America. The group of companies present innovative technology, creative solutions, and a focus on quality customer service. The market for personalized products grows more and more in Brazil and in the world, for adding value to brands, enhancing the relationship with customers. There are gaps in Latin America in serving this market and, therefore, the group sees an opportunity for internationalization. Based on the identified strategic options and knowledge of decision-making support tools, a model that includes the variables, as well as the group’s business context was designed, so that, in view of the prioritization and judgments of the decision makers, the best option for the internationalization process could be recommended. The research achieved the objective of identifying, among the strategic options obtained, the recommendation for the realization of a strategic alliance in Chile and demonstrated how decision support tools can assist managers in complex, unstructured decisions, with a large number of variables, to face the difficulties linked to limited rationality.


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How to Cite

Capelache, C., & de Medeiros Júnior, A. (2022). Internationalization of the Brand Management Business Group in Logomarked Products. Práticas Em Contabilidade E Gestão, 9(4), 1–33. Retrieved from

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