ITBI Immunity Recognition in the Municipality of São Paulo
Tax, Tax immunity, Tax exemption, ITBIAbstract
The objective of this work technical report is to guide taxpayers regarding requests for recognition of tax immunity on inter vivos (ITBI), granted to operations of capital contribution, merger, incorporation, division and dissolution of corporate bodies. Through a documentary research, in the five year period of 2013 to 2017, in the municipality of São Paulo, whose data source was obtained in the editions of DOC were carried out 1225 consultations which resulted in the analysis of 902 decisions published. The main results show that: 523 (58%) were rejected. Of these, 255 (48.8%) were by lack of proper documentation and 268 (51.2%) by assessing the merits. Of the rejections by assessing the merits: 215 (80.2%) were due to the preponderance of real state operating revenues; 22 (8.2%) due to extinction of the legal entity before the minimum legally established period of analysis; 21 (7.8%) due to disregard of accounting; and 10 (3.8%) for other reasons. Thus, based on the analysis of the denied immunity requests, this technical report clarifies several questions regarding the criteria adopted by Municipality of São Paulo tax authorities, serving as didactic and instructional material.Downloads
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