Attitude Function Theory, Self-Monitoring and Brand Prominence: An Analysis over Advertising Judgment


  • Valter Afonso Vieira Universidade Estadual de Maringá (UEM)
  • Francielli Martins Borges Ladeira UNICESUMAR


Attitude function. Self-monitoring. Brand visibility. Luxury. Advertising


Purpose: We suggest an interaction effect between the Theory of Attitude function (social setting or values of expression), the Self-Monitoring Theory and brand prominence (low or high logo size) in order to explain the advertising assessment by consumers.

Originality/Gap/Relevance/Implications: The literature review did not study these three elements combined and did not analyzed the interactive effects of them over behavioral intentions. Since foreign literature provide few studies relating either on attitude function or self-monitoring on brand visibility, we did two experiments in the new gap, in order to study the effects of attitude function, self-monitoring and brand prominence on consumer attitudes.

Key methodological aspects: We proposed three interactive hypotheses in two experiments. The studies were a factorial type condition 2 × 2 × 2 between groups designed with luxury products ads.

Summary of key results: The findings showed an interactive effect between Attitude function and brand prominence. This result means that the brand influences consumer evaluations of loyalty and purchase intention for advertising with an attitude based on the value expression. The results indicated an interaction between self-monitoring and brand prominence. There are higher levels of loyalty and attitude for consumers when advertising did not present brand prominence and did present high levels of self-monitoring. We also found an interaction effect between attitude function and self-monitoring, explaining perceived value.

Key considerations/conclusions: The marketing practitioners can use the results via communications, in which advertising should present high brand prominence on products that focused on the value expression and individuals with lower self-control, aiming greater influence on buying intention.


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Author Biographies

Valter Afonso Vieira, Universidade Estadual de Maringá (UEM)

Professor doutor na Universidade Estadual de Maringá (UEM)

Francielli Martins Borges Ladeira, UNICESUMAR

Mestre em Administração pela Universidade Estadual de Maringá (UEM) e professora UNICESUMAR.





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