Transition; chronoference; contemporaneity of the non-contemporary; historiographic categories; Brazilian criminal procedure.Abstract
The present article is structured in four parts: 1. defining the problem (the apparent “historical mismatch” prompted by the simultaneous coexistence in Brazil of legal frameworks that are fundamentally authoritarian and fundamentally democratic – dating either to 1941 or to 1988 – concerning criminal procedural law and its decodification as an expression of “the contemporaneity of the non contemporary”); 2. a functional analysis centered on two historiographic operators (transition and chronoference), which are capable of forming an analytic framework of the problem in terms of overlapping temporalities; 3. an examination of empirical material related to the issue at hand (specifically, the reformist debate of 2008-2009); 4. a list of concluding points regarding both historicity and legality.
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