Constitucionalism; globalization; complex societies; Earth Constitution; Sociology of Constitutions.Abstract
Abstract: The relationships maintained in the highly complex and contingent societies that exist today, allied to the growing integration of the 'world society', present us with problems involving human rights whose confrontation interests and involves more than one legal order. The answers presented by the State Constitutions are no longer sufficient to deal with the new challenges faced by constitutional law, demanding new perspectives for the response to emerging issues. The article focuses, through a sociological approach, on two new constitutional perspectives, which seek to offer answers to the new challenges imposed by a global society: the proposal of an 'Earth Constitution', by Luigi Ferrajoli, and the Sociology of Constitutions, by Alberto Febbrajo. After describing the theoretical bases of each perspective, we will analyze at what point the two models are different or complementary. Finally, and through dialogue between both perspectives, we seek to outline relevant points about this new constitutional horizon.
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