Taxation, tax benefits and competition distortion in Brazil


  • Vicente Bagnoli Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie
  • Vivian Leinz Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie
  • Marcos Vinícius Sales dos Santos Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie


Taxation, Competition, Tax benefits


This research addresses the relationship between taxation and competition in Brazil. As taxation influences decision on resource allocation by economic agents, the article will focus on two kinds of tax benefits: the Manaus Free Trade Zone and the fiscal. Established the way in which they can affect competition, the mechanisms present in the Brazilian legal system to prevent or correct competitive asymmetries caused by the granting of tax incentives will be evaluated. In order to better illustrate this scenario a parallel with Article 107 of the TFEU will be drawn. Considering that the Brazilian legal system does not have a similar prohibition, alternatives will be considered, such as Article 146-A of the Constitution of the Republic of Brazil, which provides for the possibility of editing a law establishing special criteria for taxation with the aim of preventing competition balances, and the possibility of competition advocacy exercised by the Brazilian Competition Defense System.  

Author Biographies

Vicente Bagnoli, Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie

Professor of Law at Mackenzie Presbyterian University; Director of ASCOLA chapter Brazil; PhD in Philosophy and General Theory of Law at Sao Paulo University - Law School; visiting researcher for Pos Doc at Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition; Master in Economic and Political Law at Mackenzie Presbyterian University - Law School; nongovernmental advisor of ICN; World Bank Group and WIPO Short Term Consultant; President of the Law Committee of the Italian Chamber of Commerce of Sao Paulo - Italcam; President of the Antitrust Section of the Brazilian Bar Association, Sao Paulo (2013-2015); Vice-President of IBRAC (2020-2021); founder-partner of Vicente Bagnoli Law Office

Vivian Leinz, Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie

PhD student in Political and Economic Law at Mackenzie Presbyterian University. Master in Political and Economic Law from Mackenzie Presbyterian University (2020). Specialist in Tax Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo – PUC/SP (2011) and graduated in Law from Mackenzie Presbyterian University (2002). Attorney of the National Treasury since 2008.

Marcos Vinícius Sales dos Santos, Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie

PhD student in Economic and Political Law at Mackenzie Presbyterian University; Master in Economic and Political Law at Mackenzie Presbyterian University; Graduation in Civil Law at Universidade Federal da Bahia. Procurador do Município de São Paulo. Lawyer.


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