Consórcio; Amazônia Legal; proteção ambiental.Abstract
The Legal Amazon Consortium has as one of its purposes to maintain the sustainability of the Amazon Rainforest. The Consortium is the result of an amendment to the 1988 Constitution (EC n. 19/1988) and has acted to prevent deforestation and to monetize the forest. This research seeks to answer the following problem: how does the Legal Amazon Consortium (CAL), created in 2017, propose to provide instruments for environmental protection of the Amazon biome? The objective of this investigation is to verify how the Legal Amazon Consortium has acted to keep the forest standing, without denying the economic and social development of the region. The research hypothesis was confirmed, since its results showed that CAL has carried out several actions, such as the Green Recovery Plan; the commitments of investments on the order of 55 million reais from European countries at COP 27 as carbon credit payment for the State of Pará, commitments brought by the Consortium's president; and presentation, in an exemplary way, of the Regional Program for Strengthening the Bioeconomy and Low Carbon Productive Chains and the Regional Program for Prevention and Control of Deforestation in the Amazon.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Eliana Maria de Souza Franco Teixeira, Patrícia Kristiana Blagitz Cichovski
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