Published: 2014-10-02

Depressive Symptoms in Family Members of Drug-addicts

Silvana Carneiro Maciel, Juliana Rízia Félix Melo, Camila Cristina Vasconcelos Dias, Giselli Lucy Souza Silva, Yordan Bezerra Gouveia


Psychoactive Drugs Use Among High School Students

Andressa Pereira Lopes, Manuel Morgado Rezende


Beyond the Substance: Considerations About the Subject in the Drug Addiction Condition

Mônica Medeiros Kother Macedo, Carolina Neumann de Barros Falcão Dockhorn, Paula Kegler


Children’s Psychiatric Outpatient Clinic: Prevalence of Mental Disorders Among Children and Adolescents

Claudemir Marcos Machado, Andreia Mara Angelo Gonçalves Luiz, Altino Bessa Marques Filho, Maria Cristina de Oliveira Santos Miyazaki, Neide Aparecida Micelli Domingos, Eliana Márcia Sotello Cabrera


Possibilities and Challenges of Matrix Support in Primary Care: Professional’s Perceptions

Maria Salete Bessa Jorge, Mardenia Gomes Ferreira Vasconcelos, José Maia Pereira Neto, Luciana Gurgel Farias Gondim, Emanuel Cesar Proença Simões


Humor: Indispensable Ingredient in Social Relations?

Adriana Benevides Soares, Fatima Almeida Maia, Claudio de Almeida Lima, Cátia Cristina Carvalho Nogueira, Cabral Lima


Motor Performance and Self Efficacy Sense in Students of Elementary School

Juliana da Silva, Renata Capistrano; Thais Silva Beltrame; Juliano Maestri Alexandre


Evidence of Validity of the Reading Subtest of School Achievement Test

Marcia de Lima Athayde, Cláudia Hofheinz Giacomoni, Cristian Zanon, Lilian Milnitsky Stein

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Dimensionality Study of the Organizational Compromising Scale by Rasch Model

Fermino Fernandes Sisto, Luis Torahiko Takahashi, Dario Cecilio-Fernandes


Therapeutic Communities for Substance Abusers: Assessment of Treatment Outcomes

Alessandro Antonio Scaduto, Valéria Barbieri, Manoel Antônio dos Santos

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High School and Social Skills: a Study with Messy Scale

Rogério Gomes Neto, Roberta Gurgel Azzi, Ana Paula Basqueira, Daniela Couto Guerreiro-Casanova

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Motivation to Learn in Undergraduate Students of Psychology

Johny Welton Brito da Silva, Marcos Vinícius de Araújo, Erich Montanar Franco
