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  • Rinaldo Allara Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie
  • Filipe Sulprino Batista
  • Ligia Maura Primo Maluf
  • José Antonio León Rodriguez


This paper presents an account of the process of designing and defining an innovative business model dedicated to meeting the demand for services in child care and entertainment, when identifying a market gap in the provision of solutions demanded by parents or guardians who need to trust children under your responsibility to professional care, in unforeseen or emergency situations . The value proposition involves the intermediation between customers and service providers through an application. This is an unprecedented initiative, which does not find direct competitors established in the market. The project was carried out with a scientific method suited to applied work, which gives it the property of constituting a replicable model in equivalent situations. Conceptual and experimental views found in bibliographic sources were also used, in order to validate the proposition presented in aspects concerning an entrepreneurial project, including issues such as the strategic importance of innovation and the analysis of conditions to be faced in the implementation of the project and throughout its evolutionary stages, which made it possible to significantly reduce uncertainties regarding the potential success of the new business.


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How to Cite

Allara, R., Batista, F. S., Maluf, L. M. P., & Rodriguez, J. A. L. (2023). INOVAÇÃO E TECNOLOGIA NA MODELAGEM DE UM NEGÓCIO EMPREENDEDOR: UMA ABORDAGEM ESTRATÉGICA. Práticas Em Contabilidade E Gestão, 10(4). Retrieved from