Cost Reduction in the Management of Health Plans for Employees of the Company J Macedo


  • Reinaldo Garcia Pereira Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie
  • Ricardo Luiz de Andrade Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie
  • Victor Bueno Terada Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie
  • Adilson Aderito Silva Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie
  • Reynaldo Cavalheiro Marcondes FEA USP


Manpower costs, Labor costs, Human resource management


This is a report on the development of a solution to a problem related to the excessive cost of maintaining employees on leave, dismissed, and retired, generating a negative impact of more than BRL 17.7 million per year for the company J. Macêdo, which operates in the bakery, biscuits, and pasta industry of the national market. The methodology used was that of problem-solving and taking advantage of opportunities, which deals with concrete issues of organizations, with a scientific basis. Based on it, the implementation of control and monitoring of the management process of these situations was proposed, and it was approved by the directors of the company’s business units, facilitating the development of each stage. The solution proposal included the technical training of the areas involved, with internal training programs, hiring specialized consultants, a review of collective labor agreements, and an action plan for risk mitigation until December 2021. For this, managers of the human resources, legal and financial departments were interviewed and the documents were analyzed, which allowed the development of alternatives for the solution, generating an expectation of a 10% reduction in the negative financial impact on the 2021 balance sheet.


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How to Cite

Garcia Pereira, R., de Andrade, R. L., Bueno Terada, V., Aderito Silva, A., & Cavalheiro Marcondes, R. (2022). Cost Reduction in the Management of Health Plans for Employees of the Company J Macedo. Práticas Em Contabilidade E Gestão, 10(2), 1–25. Retrieved from