Process Diagnosis: Identification of Improvement Opportunities in the Process of Pre-Qualification of Suppliers of a Public Company in the Energy Sector


  • Cecília Moraes Santostaso Geron Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie


process diagnosis, pre-qualification of suppliers, process improvement


This work aims to identify opportunities for improvement in the processes that make up the pre-qualification of suppliers of a public company in the energy sector based on a diagnosis of the current situation using process modeling techniques. The perspective of the adopted modeling is in the domain of operations whose objective is to understand and present the operational characteristics of the studied processes, advancing in the analysis and reformulation of the existing process maps for proposing improvements. The main data collection strategies used were participant observation and document analysis. The results demonstrate that there are significant opportunities for improvement in the supplier pre-qualification stage, especially in the requirements related to the management and feedback of process information with the potential to subsidize supplier reassessment and development actions. The development of the research and results obtained allow us to conclude that the improvement opportunities identified in the diagnosis are aligned with the reality and needs of the studied company, serving as a basis for redesigning the process and starting point for studies aimed at the modernization and integration of platforms and systems in use.


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Mestrando do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Controladoria e Finanças Empresariais


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How to Cite

Fabrini Mendes Furtado, W., & Geron, C. M. S. (2020). Process Diagnosis: Identification of Improvement Opportunities in the Process of Pre-Qualification of Suppliers of a Public Company in the Energy Sector. Práticas Em Contabilidade E Gestão, 8(3). Retrieved from

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