When thermal springs shape cities
the cases of Caldas da Rainha (Portugal) and Poços de Caldas (Brazil)
Balneary, Thermal springs, Hygienic principles, Poços de Caldas (Brazil), Caldas da Rainha (Portugal)Abstract
This article aims to discuss the formation and development of cities from the discovery of thermal waters in certain territories. The different ways of using these waters, the buildings that emerged from the thermal practices and the transformations and appropriations that occurred in the urban landscape over time are elements for the proposed analysis. The discovery of thermal waters as a natural resource, in several locations, led to the search and discovery of new knowledge, specific and technical, boosting social and economic development, based on health and leisure treatments. The similarities and differences of the elements of the urban form and the agents involved in the construction of these resorts are compared. When it comes to thermal resorts, there are structures that are consolidated in the territory, composing a thermal environment essentially built between the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, in Brazil and Europe.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Luciana Valin Gonçalves Dias, Prof.ª Dr.ª Renata Baesso Pereira, Prof. Dr. Jorge Mangorrinha

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