O ateliê como espaço interdisciplinar no ambiente acadêmico


  • Regina Lara Silveira Mello PPG-Eduacação, Arte e História da Cultura da Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie https://orcid.org/
  • Teresa Almeida Pós-doutora e pesquisadora na Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL).


criatividade; interdisciplinaridade; ateliê em universidade; arte em vidro; cultura material.


The artistic studio is a place that encourages the expansion of ideas and the development of languages, promotes the realization of creative and innovative production that we call Art. It is an essentially interdisciplinary space that unites theory and practice, thought and gesture. This article presents reflections on the experience lived in two different studios, especially dedicated to the creation of works made with glass material, the Mackenzie Presbyterian University and the Faculty of Fine Arts, Porto University, both coordinated by professors-artists, Regina Lara in Brazil and Teresa Almeida in Portugal. As a part of the university, the studio receives students for art and design courses, undergraduate and graduate courses, as well as research projects. The practical class taught in the studio is based on the principle that the experience assisted by a specific reflection generates a conscious creative process, essential for the formation of artists and designers. In these workshops, students are led to understand the physical and aesthetic properties of glass, in plasticity’s and expressive dialogues with other materials through experimentation with means of transforming matter. Relevant aspects of the creative process, routines, inspirations, experiences selected from among the proposed exercises and the studio environment are analyzed, especially those installed in universities that facilitate the emergence of interdisciplinary research, positively expanding its field of action.


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How to Cite

Lara Silveira Mello, R., & Almeida , T. (2022). O ateliê como espaço interdisciplinar no ambiente acadêmico. Revista Trama Interdisciplinar, 13(2), 29–49. Retrieved from http://editorarevistas.mackenzie.br/index.php/tint/article/view/15158