The Nordic welfare model, law, and the financial crisis
The paper focuses on the problems of history, development, axiology and future of the Nordic Welfare State (NWS). The considerations are made in context of the financial crisis that began in 2007. The author considers also how the NWS ideology influenced state law and legal way of thinking in Scandinavia and, more widely, in the Nordic countries. The case of Finland is used to show how the law in both the content and methodology was changed. It is claimed the NWS is still changing because of many social or financial factors or crisis. The NWS ideology is a very practical philosophy about how to provide equal opportunities (the minimum social security, access to health, free education) for everybody in a society. The social contract is a basis of the NWS. The NWS might be changed due to economic crisis to some extent, of course, but its philosophy remains the same: help the weaker.
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