Peer review process

The Revista Direito Mackenzie defines in its editorial policy the following criteria for the evaluation process: adequacy to the focus and scope of the journal and the technical (ABNT), grammatical and formal standards of the journal, relevance, content, textual coherence, theoretical and methodological consistency.

The evaluation process consists of four stages, namely

1. Preliminary analysis by the editors and editorial assistant to verify the adequacy to the general instructions defined by the editorial policy;
2. Analysis of similarity in all documents submitted through the Turnitin platform;
3. Preliminary analysis by the editors as to the journal's focus and scope, as well as the relevance and contribution of the text;
4. Forwarding for double-blind review.

The articles that reach the third stage of the evaluation process will be sent to the referees (at least two) whose names will remain confidential, as well as the authors' names will be withheld from the referees, thus ensuring the double-blind criterion (blind review). Under no circumstances will the authors be identified by the reviewers. Thus, it is essential, when submitting the article in the system, to observe the guarantee of anonymity, excluding any explicit reference to the authors, such as: name citation, reference to published works of authorship or co-authorship.

The referees, through an opinion written in a form provided by the journal, will recommend one of three options:

1. Full acceptance without changes
2. Partial acceptance with changes
3. Manuscript rejection