doxing, proteção de dados, regulaçãoAbstract
The present research aims to investigate the practice of doxing and identify the conflicts and illegalities arising therefrom in the context of the processing of personal data, considering other fundamental rights, democratic pillars, which allow the activity of doxing, as well as analyzing the current regulation of this matter at national and global level. To do so, we start from the following research problems: could doxing be a tool for committing illegal acts in the digital context, in what ways and how do the main global laws regulate this influence? As preliminary hypotheses, we have that doxing can be used as a tool or means for the perpetration of various cybercrimes, from crimes such as extortion, stalking, harassment and threats, to crimes that result in real physical harm, such as attacks, lynchings and cyberterrorism, as well as as well as several other malicious purposes. Even so, it is preliminarily understood that doxing is not necessarily criminalized as a single practice, but several actions involved in its execution can be the target of legal sanctions that are necessarily deeply linked to the social context in which these laws are applied. The specific objectives are two, which are: a) to analyze how doxing can be used to commit illegal acts; and, b) understand how the main global legislations that have addressed this issue. It ends by confirming the preliminary hypothesis listed. Methodology: hypothetical-deductive, with a qualitative approach and bibliographical approach.
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