transnationality; dialogue between courts; transnational law; transjudicialism.Abstract
This article enters into the scholarly discourse surrounding transnationality and its legal
manifestations, specifically aligning itself with the discussion of transjudicialism within
the context of a global legal community. The paper argues that contemporary
transjudicialism extends beyond the simplistic dialogue between courts, emerging as
a pivotal instrument consolidating Transnational Law. The exposition of this argument
is buttressed by an inductive methodological approach, employing techniques of
reference, category, operational concepts, and bibliographic research. The paper
concludes by illustrating the formation of an already consolidated global legal order,
primarily driven by the evolution of transjudicialism, further emphasizing the need for
the extension of current legal models.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Carla Piffer, Paulo Marcio Cruz , Claudio Antônio Klaus Júnior
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