Max Weber; sociology; capitalismAbstract
The text presents an in-depth analysis of the ideas and contributions of renowned German sociologist Max Weber, highlighting his influence on various disciplines, including economics, philosophy, sociology, political science
and law. The author highlights Weber’s extraordinary erudition, which led him to
combine various disciplines in his work, such as history and philosophy. Weber is recognized as one of the founders of contemporary sociology, along with Karl
Marx and Émile Durkheim. His influence ranges from economics, where his
analyses of modern capitalism are fundamental, to sociology, where he inaugurated
a hermeneutic approach to social action. The text explores the different
attitudes towards law, as described by Weber: the evaluative moral attitude, the
dogmatic-legal attitude and the attitude of sociological understanding. The latter
is particularly emphasized, as it is the basis for Weber’s sociology of law. Weber also introduces the concept of domination as a type of power, relating it to the sociology of law. He discusses the three ideal types of domination: traditional, rational- legal and charismatic, highlighting the importance of rational legal domination in the context of modern capitalism. The text addresses the evolution of the contract in the context of modern capitalism, highlighting the transition from the status-based contract to the finalistic contract, which has become fundamental to the economic logic of capitalism. In summary, the text offers a detailed analysis of Max Weber’s deas on law, economics and society, emphasizing their relevance in understanding modernity and capitalism, as well as their influence on various academic disciplines.
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