
  • Ramon Negócio UNI 7


Facebook, Plataforma, Lex meta, Transconstitucionalismo


The provision of services of the company Meta through its platforms has become increasingly complex, raising normative answers to legal problems that have multiplied due to this complexity. Under this scenario, this paper aims to answer how the platform deals with problems of (trans)constitutional nature and how the demand for legal formality and legal clarity in content moderations has turned the platform into a transnational legal order. To accomplish what is proposed, the method of approach used was deductive. By and large, the main conclusions point to the fact that, although there is no single legal order on the internet, there are several normative orders. Facebook is just one among many normative orders that deals with different dimensions of legal-constitutional problems such as the semantics of society or its systemic nature. With the creation of the Oversight Board, there is a tendence to have a center stage in the legal order, even though there might be widespread mistrust of the implementation of its legal autonomy.

Author Biography

Ramon Negócio, UNI 7

Graduated in Law from the University of Fortaleza (Unifor), holds a master's degree in State Law from PUC-SP and a doctorate in General Theory of Law from Goethe-Universität (Frankfurt am Main).


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