Equal, Unequal or Adequate?


  • Carmelo Bruni Sapienza Università di Roma


Uguaglianza, Diversità, Riconoscimento, Giustizia Sociale


The work proposes a reflection on the value of the concept of equality in the field of social policies. After having underlined its centrality in the international debate, also due to the growth of economic inequalities, its analytical value is underlined, but also its scarce usability from the point of view of social research. On the other hand, the concept of inequality paradoxically reveals greater usability due to its empirical breadth, and greater functionality for the purpose of defining intervention programs which, starting from unequal needs, must provide "adequate" responses to favor the creation of personal, individual. What the work aims to demonstrate is that inequality is not the central problem of the processes of social inclusion, but the tool through which it is possible to achieve full "recognition" of the value of diversity and, in a Hegelian or, better, sociologically speaking, the full "recognition" of the value of every individuality.

Author Biography

Carmelo Bruni, Sapienza Università di Roma

PhD in Sociology from the University "La Sapienza" of Rome (1995). Associate Professor in the Department of
Social and Economic Sciences of the same university.


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