Anxiety and depression in family members of people hospitalized in an intensive care unit

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Gabriella Morais Fonseca
Katia Santana Freitas
Aloísio Machado da Silva Filho
Pollyana Pereira Portela
Elaine Guedes Fontoura
Marluce Alves Nunes Oliveira


This is a cross-sectional study that aimed to analyze the prevalence of anxiety and depression in the relatives of people hospitalized in an intensive care unit and associated factors. The sample consisted of 135 family members of hospitalized adults in the interior of Bahia. The sociodemographic data sheet and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale were applied. Concerning anxiety, 39.3% presented the symptoms and 28.9% of the relatives had symptoms of depression. According to the logistic regression model, being familiar with less than 40 years of age (OR 2.20, CI 1.049-4.6540, p = 0.037) and living with the relative hospitalized (OR 2.37, CI 1.121-5.024, p = 0.024) was associated
with the presence of anxiety symptoms. As for depression, the degree of kinship was associated (OR 2.52, CI 1.096-5.814, p = 0.003). The results reinforce the evidence of association between the hospitalization process and the mental state of the family.
Keywords: anxiety; depression; family; intensive therapy; hospitalization.


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Clinical Psychology
Author Biography

Gabriella Morais Fonseca

Enfermeira. Possui graduação em Enfermagem e Obstetrícia pela Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana(UEFS) - BA. Foi integrante do Núcleo Integrado de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre o Cuidar/Cuidado (NUPEC) e do Núcleo Interdisciplinar de Pesquisas e Estudos em Saúde (NIPES ). Voluntária do Projeto de Extensão intitulado: Produção de cuidado para a promoção de conforto de famílias no Hospital Geral Cleriston Andrade vinculado ao NIPES, de novembro de 2013 à 2015.


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