Relato Tecnológico


  • Alexandre Nunes Hernandes Softtek do Brasil
  • Evandro Henrique Ferreira Scussel General Mills Brasil
  • Marcio Quadros Lopes dos Santos Controle Inteligente de Compensações (CIC)
  • Sérgio Apolinário Softtek do Brasil


Arquitetura de decisão, Nudges, Ocupação de veículos


The objective of this study is to promote an intervention in a vehicle loading process in a multinational company operating in the business of selling roasted and ground coffees, this intervention aims to increase the occupancy of loaded vehicles through an application totally based on the concepts of decision architecture and nudges. In addition to the intervention, the objective of the research was to assess whether, in the perception of the main parties involved, the proposal would be effective in increasing the occupancy of vehicle trunks, as a result it was identified that there is a perception of aid to improve performance, but in addition, that the application of the tool meets the criteria of the nudge concept, assuming that it will be an influence, not a systemic imposition.


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How to Cite

Hernandes, A. N., Scussel, E. H. F., dos Santos, M. Q. L., & Apolinário, S. (2023). USE OF DIGITAL NUDGE TOOL FOR THE SUPPLY CHAIN PROCESS: Relato Tecnológico. Práticas Em Contabilidade E Gestão, 10(4). Retrieved from