The construction of the “void”

an experience anchored in the theory of meaningful learning


  • Ricardo Martos Mackenzie Presbyterian University
  • Julio Bernardes Mackenzie Presbyterian University



Public space; Meaningful learning; Urban design; Urban void; Interstice.


This article establishes relationships between Ausubel’s theory of meaningful learning (1968) and the trajectory of the Design Workshop during the sixth stage of the Mackenzie School of Architecture and Urbanism. The concept defined as “subsumer” or “anchor idea,” present in the mentioned theory, is associated with the construction of “void,” the public space as the most relevant articulating element among those used in the didactic conduct of the exercise. The text is organized in three parts. Initially presents the recent trajectory of transformations that occurred in this academic exercise, highlighting as the main turning point the consummation of the unconstructed public space as the principal delineator of the reasoning and statements, to the detriment of the building as an isolated object. Then, it presents the theories and concepts in Ausubel’s work and the didactic possibilities of this association of theory, concept, and applied academic exercise. It is understood that a relationship of prior knowledge between teachers and students can be unified by invigorating the didactic relationship between the parties. Finally, it presents graphical analyses of the student works from the last years of the exercise’s production to illustrate the exposed reasoning and some results.


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Author Biographies

Ricardo Martos, Mackenzie Presbyterian University

Architect, master professor, and PhD candidate in Architecture and Urbanism at Mackenzie Presbyterian University. Faculty member at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of Mackenzie Presbyterian University and at the Belas Artes University Center

Julio Bernardes, Mackenzie Presbyterian University

Architect and PHD in Architecture and Urbanism from the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of São Paulo (FAU-USP). Professor at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of Mackenzie Presbyterian University


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How to Cite

RUIZ MARTOS, R.; BERNARDES PINTO, J. C. The construction of the “void”: an experience anchored in the theory of meaningful learning. Graduate Journal in Architecture and Urbanism, [S. l.], v. 24, n. 2, p. 15–31, 2024. DOI: 10.5935/cadernospos.v24n2p15-31. Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 dec. 2024.


