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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The article is original:

    This contribution is original and has not been previously published:

    Autorship Template

  • Formatting:

    This article has been formatted using the following Template:

    Paper Template

    The file is in .docx format.

  • Right to Use Images:

    The author has a formal right or authorization to use all images included in the article:

    Authorization Template

    Authorizations scanned in PDF must be added after sending the article in the "Supplementary Documents" section.

    Articles without the authorization to use all images will not be published.

Author Guidelines

Rules for Submission of Articles

Authors must adhere to the following rules:

1 – Original articles not previously published must be written in Portuguese, Spanish, or English.

2 – Use the Word Model/Template to prepare your article, and send the file in .docx format.

3 – The article must contain between 15,000 and 30,000 characters without spaces, including the Abstract, Bibliographic References, and Image captions.

4 – Each article may be prepared by a maximum of three (3) authors.

5 – Indicate below the title: full name of the author, higher degree and university where he/she obtained it, the institution where he/she works or studies, municipality, country, email, and ORCID. The minimum degree to publish in the journal is a Master's degree. Students attending the Master's degree can be included as co-authors, as long as the first author has a Ph.D.

6 – Resume / Abstract / Resumen: The abstract in three languages (Portuguese, English, and Spanish) should be in a single paragraph, in up to 200 words (per language).

7 – Keywords: identify three to five keywords, written in the three languages.

8 – Quotes in the body of the text and references listed at the end of the article must follow the standard of ABNT NBR 6023/2018.

9 – A maximum of ten images (tables, photos, drawings...) will be published per article and incorporated into it. Resolution of 300 Pixels per Inch and with a minimum of 8cm and a maximum of 16cm wide. It is necessary to mention the source of each image and its domain.

10 - Highlight with a red stripe the references that can identify the author (s), both in the quotes throughout the text and in the references listed at the end of the article.

11 - If the Article results from research or a Project carried out with the help of funding agencies or funders, be sure to indicate it.

12 - In the submission form, Step 3. Submission Metadata (Indexing), in addition to filling in all the information about the Authors in Portuguese, it is necessary to fill in the same data in English and Spanish.

The Title and Abstract must also be completed in the three languages of the journal. To do this, after completing in Portuguese, change the language as indicated in the illustration below and complete it.

As the journal is indexed in international academic search engines, it is essential that this information is accessible to international readers.

This includes the Title, Abstract, Keywords, Area of Knowledge, and other information for each of the languages.

13 - Authorization for publication of images

The author must present the authorization for the publication of the image in the case of a third-party domain image. This is an essential condition for the Project to be published.

In the submission process, upload the authorizations in PDF in the "Supplementary Documents" step.

14 - Portuguese language articles translation

Authors are responsible for translating their articles into Portuguese. Articles should only be translated after their positive evaluation and indication for publication. The journal indicates the authorized translators on the tab: About the Journal.

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses given in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.