Analogy in the 4th century and in Portuguese grammars of the 16th through the 19th centuries


  • Antonio Carlos Silva de Carvalho Unicsul/CAPES


This article discusses how 4th-century Latin grammarians of African descent dealt with analogy, and how these sources aided some of the early Lu-sophone grammarians. In this overview, we have selected African authors, Carísio and Diomedes; Portuguese, Fernão Oliveira and Jerônimo Barbosa; and Brazilian, Caneca and Maximino Maciel. We comment on excerpts of their works and point out the gradual erasure of analogy in grammar, initiated by Latin grammarians and intensified with the formation of the Romance languages, which lacked appropriate metalanguage to their educational needs.


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Author Biography

Antonio Carlos Silva de Carvalho, Unicsul/CAPES

Doctorate in Letters - Romance Philology from the University of São Paulo (2002), bachelor's degree in Letters - Latin from the University of São Paulo (2010), bachelor's degree in Letters - Portuguese and Literatures from the University of São Paulo (1993), degree in Letters - Portuguese and Literatures from the University of São Paulo (1993), post-doctorate in Stylistic Studies from the Cruzeiro do Sul University (2016). Experience in the area of ​​Literature: in Romance Philology, Portuguese Language, Linguistics and Latin.


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How to Cite

Carvalho, A. C. S. de. (2016). Analogy in the 4th century and in Portuguese grammars of the 16th through the 19th centuries. Todas As Letras - Revista De Língua E Literatura, 18(1), 92–102. Retrieved from