Education in university during Covid-19 period

Circumstances and practices


  • Regina Helena Pires de Brito Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie (UPM), São Paulo, SP, Brasil.
  • Maria Lucia M. Carvalho Vasconcelos Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie (UPM), São Paulo, SP, Brasil


Remote learning, Presential learning, University education, Didacticpedagogical experiences, Expanded dialogue


As a result of the pandemic caused by Covid-19, all schools in the country – and in the world – were forced to confront a new reality: remote learning. Teachers and students, dealing with the need for an unplanned confrontation, with no time for prior reflection and with an immediate start at all levels of education, are faced with an unthinkable reality. This article does not plan to enumerate the difficulties experienced during the Covid-19 period, which would be absolutely valid – given the enormous effort that has been made and everything that has been faced until now –, otherwise, this article narrates some positive experiences in the university that will certainly perdure after returning to a face-to-face learning.


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How to Cite

Helena Pires de Brito, R., & M. Carvalho Vasconcelos, M. L. (2021). Education in university during Covid-19 period: Circumstances and practices. Todas As Letras - Revista De Língua E Literatura, 23(2), 1–9. Retrieved from



Dossiê – Educação e Pandemia