
  • Isabel Orestes Silveira Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie


Chamberlain couple, Mackenzie, children's book, drawing.


This research presents the methodological paths for the production of an authorial book, which was illustrated for children and adolescents. Work published by Editora Mackenzie in 2021 as part of the celebrations of its sesquicentennial anniversary and financed with the support of Mackpesquisa. The objective was to research biographical sources about the life and work of the Presbyterian Pastor George Whiterill Chamberlain (1839 - 1902) to compose an accessible narrative, in order to integrate - history and discursive images. Therefore, issues related to scripting, illustration and the way of narrating a biography in illustrative language were problematized. The methodology adopted was of a qualitative nature in which the Case Study became an option and the basic nature of the proposal valued aspects related to the multiple dimensions of artistic language, especially drawing and illustration.


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Author Biography

Isabel Orestes Silveira, Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie

Isabel Orestes Silveira: Doutora em Comunicação e Semiótica pela (PUC/SP). Coordenadora de Extensão do CCL (Centro de Comunicaçãoe Letras) s docente do Curso de Publicidade, Propaganda e Marketing. da Universidade Presbiteriana


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How to Cite

Silveira, I. O. (2022). METHODOLOGY IN SCIENTIFIC ARTISTIC PROCESSES FOR AUTHOR PICTURE BOOK PRODUCTION. Revista Trama Interdisciplinar, 13(2), 83–94. Retrieved from