


  • portugues portugues Portugues
  • portugues portugues portugues
  • portugues portugues portugues
  • Gisele Souza Aberje https://orcid.org/





The remote learning environment can increasingly raise issues such as video conference fatigue, self-image distortions, superficial, ephemeral or artificially mediated experiences. At the same time, it can bring possibilities for innovation, differentiated interactions, time savings and a better quality of life for those involved. In order to understand the main challenges and the best opportunities regarding remote teaching, we intend to analyze the opinion of 41 teachers, based on a webpoll focused on their experiences in remote classes during the pandemic years, bringing reflections on perceptions and feelings that affect them positively and negatively and that impact learning experience. From this analysis, the idea is to understand how education professionals can become active transformation agents for a society that values ​​the development of knowledge, including in virtual environments, by understanding how new communication narratives, based on affectiveness, can bring an improvement in education and content retention processes in virtual environments, in addition to an increase in involvement and interaction between teachers and students.


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Author Biographies

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PhD in Communication from ECA-USP. She holds a degree in Public Relations from the School of Communications and Arts of the University of São Paulo (2010) and a technologist in Audiovisual Production from the Universidade Paulista (2008). She holds a master's and doctoral degree from the Graduate Program at ECA-USP (PPGCOM), having defended the thesis entitled "New Narratives of Communication in Organizations" and the dissertation entitled "Micronarrativas as a strategy for internal communication". She is a member of the New Narratives Study Group (GENN, from ECA-USP). She currently works in the field of Communication at the Brazilian Association of Business Communication (Aberje) as Executive Manager of Escola Aberje de Comunicação. She works mainly on the following themes: organizational communication, internal communication, public relations, communication narratives, humanization, storytelling, new narratives, micronarratives, business memory and audiovisual production.

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More than 18 years of experience in organizations such as Duratex, Sanofi, Novartis, Ericsson and GPA (Grupo Pão de Açúcar), leading the areas of Communication, Culture and Development; - Master in Communication from Faculdade Cásper Líbero, post-graduate in Organizational Communication Management and PR from ECA-USP and graduate in Communication from ESPM; - Designed and published - in English/Portuguese - a maturity matrix in internal communication, a diagnostic/planning tool that has supported professionals in the area; - Winner of the 2018 Aberje Award in the "Internal Public Relations" category in a cross-sectional case involving Organizational Culture and Internal Communication; - Since 2015 at Aberje, she has been a professor in the discipline of Internal Communication in the MBA in Business Communication Management, is an instructor in the annual course on "Internal Communication Planning", an instructor in the Advanced Program in Internal Communication. Since 2020, she has been an instructor at the "Listening Workshops" and a teacher of In-Company courses. She is also a columnist for Portal Aberje and advises TCC of MBA students; - Co-author of the books "Comunicação em Cena", "Essays on Communication with Employees" (English and Portuguese) and "Communication and Study and Practices of Understanding"

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Paulo Nassar is a professor at ECA-USP, graduated in Journalism from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, with a master's and doctorate in Communication Sciences from the School of Communications and Arts of the University of São Paulo (ECA-USP). He has a postdoctoral degree from IULM-Libera Universitá di Lingue e Comunicazione (Milan) and coordinates the Group for the Study of New Narratives (GENN-ECA / USP). He is also CEO of Aberje-Associação Brasileira de Comunicação Empresarial. He won the 2012 Atlas of Lifetime Achievement International Public Relations Award from the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA), an award that recognizes individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the practice and profession of public relations on a global scale.


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How to Cite

portugues, portugues, portugues, portugues, portugues, portugues, & Souza, G. (2022). portuguÊs: portugues. Revista Trama Interdisciplinar, 13(1), 76–93. Retrieved from http://editorarevistas.mackenzie.br/index.php/tint/article/view/15030