The Principal’s Role in the Development of Relationships in the Integral Education Program - São Paulo (PEI)


  • Rafael Barbosa Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie
  • Vera Maria Nigro de Souza Placco


Integral Education Program (PEI); Public education; Integral Education; School Director; School Manager.


This article presents the role of the principal as a builder of connections between people at school. These ties favor the construction of a democratic and collaborative school/ environment. The following is an excerpt from research carried out in two public schools that had been developing the Integral Teaching Program (PEI) in the city of São Paulo in which principals, vice-principals, pedagogical coordinators, teachers and students, whom had been in an integral period in the program and involved in the research for the program. The data was collected over a period of two years with interviews, observations, and document analysis. The analyses emphasized the main role of the principal in this process. The principals were assigned the role of facilitator between the subjects. The data demonstrated the success of the pedagogical process when leadership skills were developed in all participants in the school. In this way, it was emphasized that the improvement of relationships between school professionals and students in the PEI, was contingent upon the collaboration of their pedagogical, cognitive, and affective needs. This analysis of the data demonstrated that the established interactions at different times and in different environments mobilized important changes provided by the PEI. This included the development of the skills and attitudes of everyone involved. This further enabled and redefined the role that each person must develop at school, which promoted learning that was involved in attributing a higher level of value for the school learning and working environments, all while emphasizing the importance of human relationships. This research demonstrated that for the development of human interactions and student advocates, the principal needs to be able to count on the support of everyone involved in the educational process, including students and their families, in a collective and collaborative effort/ endeavor.


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How to Cite

Barbosa, R., & Nigro de Souza Placco , V. M. (2022). The Principal’s Role in the Development of Relationships in the Integral Education Program - São Paulo (PEI). Revista Trama Interdisciplinar, 13(1), 35–55. Retrieved from