Sign Language, Movie theater, Deafness, Inclusion, Teaching.Abstract
The teacher's job in attracting the student to traditional content becomes increasingly difficult, given the amount of entertainment outside the classroom, which interferes in the daily process of knowledge acquisition. External noises, excessive heat, social networks add to the mishaps of the structures of school units, sometimes scrapped and with few devices that can serve as educational tools. Cinema becomes an important collaborator when presenting to the student - who often do not have the possibility of getting to know other continents and cultures, a new universe, which transports the seventh art to the classroom. In this process, teachers present new concepts and realities and reinforce many others. This article deals with an approach that involves the female figure, with hearing loss, considering the history of sign language, its characteristics and importance. This work aims to analyze how the female figure, of people with hearing impairment, is approached differently in three films: “Babel”, “The Language of the Heart” and “The Shape of Water”. We then looked at how sign language is an important means of legal communication – both within the deaf community and between the deaf community and non-deaf people. The research made use of a bibliographical survey, contemplated by the exploratory study, from a qualitative methodology. The results showed that cinema continues to be an important vehicle for the propagation of ideas and through it, we can see how the figure of the person with hearing impairment is portrayed. The constant productions of dramatic genre reinforce stereotypes that these people are incapable - when we must have a new look, which explores the potential that exists in each one, with their subjectivities. Therefore, we can conclude that each person is unique in their way of acting: everyone can be independent, autonomous and must have their differences respected, including about the linguistic singularities of minorities, with the appreciation of their plural communication with the world that about.
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A forma da água - 2017 / 2h 03min / Fantasia, Drama, Romance. Direção: Guillermo del Toro
A linguagem do coração - 2014 / 2h 15min / Drama, Biografia. Direção: Jean-Pierre Améris
Babel - 2007 / 2h 15min / Drama, Suspense. Direção: Alejandro González Iñárritu
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