Empirical research; demarcation of science; methodological shieldingAbstract
From the proposal to distinguish the method, techniques and data analysis in research methodology, I propose that there are mechanisms specific to scientific knowledge that work to reduce the risk of rejection of what is communicated in scientific research. These are the methodological shields, which are the records that back up what is stated in a scientific study. These shields must be included in the research, either in the introduction or in a specific chapter. The important thing is that the statements, the arguments of the research, are backed up by scientific evidence. There are therefore safeguards regarding the method, techniques and data analysis. These reflections are based on literature and situations experienced in the author’s professional experience. My roadmap was to present elements of the theory of knowledge to deal with the issue of definition. I then explored the issue of the demarcation of science, and finally presented my suggestions for methodological shielding. The conclusion is that these shields are indispensable for the observer to have a feeling of security about the research carried out.
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