Pity, Penal Humanism, Rousseau, FoucaultAbstract
This text reflects on and discusses the trajectory of three characters in different times and places: Yvone, Esmeralda and Veronica. The characters serve as the basis for an examination of the concept of piety in the work of the philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau and its relationship with “modern sensibility” - a phenomenon that marks the horror of the cruelty of physical punishment. In law, the formation of a “modern sensibility” is present in the doctrinal movement of penal humanism. In the discussion on humanism, other concepts are mobilized and articulated from Anthropology, Sociology and Philosophy, with emphasis on Michel Foucault's thinking to characterize sensitivity based on social determinants. Finally, the reflection on modern sensibility in the legal sphere is examined in order to support cases - such as Yvone's - that escape sociological determinations and reveal the iniquities of which a large part of the world is made up.
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