educação, cidadania, ensino jurídicoAbstract
The purpose of this article is to discuss the university professor and legal teaching. To this end, it addresses qualification, requirements, as well as ethical and legal aspects in the current Brazilian context. This research is divided into four parts: in the first, in the context of the introduction, initial considerations will be made about Legal Education in Brazil; in the second part, considerations will be made about teacher training for legal education; in the third part, the role of the teacher in time will be discussed; and finally, in the fourth part, the concept of “felicidadania” (“happiness" + "citizenship"), elaborated by the teacher researcher Terezinha Azerêdo Rios, will be discussed. The conclusion is that building "felicidadania" in teaching is to struggle for the creation and constant improvement of conditions that make good quality educational work possible.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Alvaro de Azevedo Gonzaga, Gisele Pereira Aguiar, Felipe Labruna
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