
  • Ricardo Waldman FMU
  • Virginia Zambrano Universidade de Salerno
  • Amanda Nunes Ronha


Cyberspace, cybercultura, privacy


This article seeks to analyze the erosion of Cyberspace and Cyberculture from the perspective of Levy and Castells, especially how much of this erosion has affected human privacy and is associated with the evolution of the information society. Its methodology is the legal doctrine that proposes to analyze the works Cyberculture by Pierre Levy and Society in network of Manuel Castells comparing them to the new reality of the information society and the reflexes in privacy. It concludes that the civil society is in need of attention and this is due to the advancement of the insertion of technology in the routine of the civil society, a great challenge of the information society is visualized to suppress this lack without losing the individuality and the essence of the human being.

Author Biographies

Ricardo Waldman, FMU

He holds a degree in Legal and Social Sciences, and a master's and doctorate in Law from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). He conducted post-doctoral studies at the University of Salerno. Coordinator of the Master in Information Society Law at the University Center of the United Metropolitan Colleges (FMU). Member of the World Commission on Environmental Law of the International Union for Conservation of Nature. Attorney.

Virginia Zambrano, Universidade de Salerno

Ph.D. in Civil Law from the University of Strasbourg. Professor of Comparative Law at the University of Salerno. Visiting Professor at the Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos and at the Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul. Conducted research with DAAD and CNR scholarship at the Max Plank Institute in Hamburg. Conducts research funded by the Italian government. E-mail:

Amanda Nunes Ronha

Master in Information Society Law from the University Center of the United Metropolitan Colleges. Professor at SESCON-SP. Attorney.


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Historicism of Law and Legal Rationality and Social Systems