
Mackenzie Law Review (Revista Direito Mackenzie – RDM) invites researchers and doctoral professors to register as reviewers, contributing to the peer review process of manuscripts submitted to our publication.

Our editorial lines cover the following areas: a) Legal Historicism and Juridical Rationality and Social Systems; b) Citizenship shaping the State; and c) Economic Power and its legal limits.

Only unpublished papers, written by authors holding a doctoral degree (Ph.D or J.D.), are considered for publication. In exceptional cases, we accept articles from masters, provided they are co-authored by a doctor or funded by recognized national or international funding agencies. The papers can be written in Spanish, French, English, Italian, and Portuguese.

If you have interest and availability to contribute as a reviewer, we kindly ask you to register on our website: When filling out the form, please indicate your areas and topics of interest under "Profile: Area of interest for evaluation".

Your contribution will be valuable to the academic community!