Adoptive Family: A Proposal of Clinical Intervention in Delayed Adoption

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Rilma Bento


This article presents a practice of intervention that was conducted in order to work on the difficulties of establishing the link of a five-year-old child during the process of homelessness and adoption. The collection of information was done with the register of sessions, the therapy follow-up, the institutional prontuary, and the meetings with the psychologist of the shelter and with the social assistant of the judicial system. The intervention lasted fourteen months, systematically and uninterruptedly. The theoretical basis is related to the Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA), to the National Plan of Promotion, Protection and Defense of the Children’s and Adolescents’ Rights to the Familiar and Communitarian Living and to authors such as Winnicott, Bowlby, among others that study the subject. This work was developed in partnership with the shelter and with the Youth Court. It brings a reflection on the importance of respecting the child’s time in the process of familiar reintegration, which also happens through the psychotherapeutic intervention.


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