The Importance of Interdisciplinary to the Evaluation and Management of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

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Luiz Renato Rodrigues Carreiro
Marcia Jorge
Marina Reis Tebar
Pedro Figueiredo de Moraes
Ricardo Rafael de Araujo
Thais Aparecida Eustáquio Rodrigues de Oliveira
Valéria Aparecida Campos Soares Panhoni


Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is characterized by severe and persistent pattern of hyperactivity and/or inattention, which is harmful. The correct assessment may be influenced by comorbidity and difficult of characterization. This paper evaluated the contribution of psychologist and psychiatrists on a correct avaliation and treatment elaboration. Ten psychologist and eight psychiatrists take part on semi-structured interview. The analysis was descriptive and qualitative. After comparing them we found that the psychologies and psychiatries of this sample contribute to the diagnostic in their specific ways and that the junctions of knowledge throw interdisciplinary work allows a better disorder comprehension and the development of a more efficient intervention plan.


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