Socio-emotional skills programs for high school adolescents: A systematic review of the articles published between 2013 and 2023
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This systematic review aimed to synthesize and describe the main characteristics and results of Social and Emotional Learning programs implemented in high schools, or the equivalent in other countries, addressing adolescents aged between 14 and 18. Independent reviewers conducted this review following the PRISMA 2020 guidelines. The following databases were consulted: PubMed, Medline, Scielo, and LILACS, considering publications between 2013 and 2023. From the 1,290 records initially identified, 10 articles met the inclusion criteria. The studies were assessed according to their objectives, methodological designs, theoretical frameworks, characteristics, strategies, and primary outcomes. The results revealed various programs’ characteristics, strategies, and criteria adopted to assess post-intervention outcomes. The interventions in 70% of the studies lasted less than one school year, with 8 to 26 sessions (80% of which were held weekly). School teachers facilitated 70% of the interventions, and 80% adopted interactive and experiential strategies. All studies adopted a quantitative design using various instruments with pre and post-test. Most (70%) aimed to assess the interventions’ effectiveness and effects; however, only two studies (20%) conducted a follow-up six months after the intervention ended. The studies show that school-based Social and Emotional Learning programs are valid strategies for promoting mental health among high school adolescents. Future studies are suggested to verify the effectiveness and efficacy of programs in more depth, consolidating flexible interventions to meet the specificities of different populations, contexts, and cultures and using structured criteria for evaluating their results.
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