Instruments for Measuring Perceived and Experienced Mental Illness Stigma: A Systematic Review

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Nicolas de Oliveira Cardoso
Breno Sanvincente Vieira
Isabela De Mattos Vieira Ferracini
Irani Iracema de Lima Argimon


In order to investigate which instruments that are most utilized when measuring perceived and experienced mental illness stigma (MIS) in adults, and some of the variables that may moderate or interfere in measured outcomes, 101 published empirical and peer-reviewed studies were systematically extracted from electronic databases (PubMed, Scopus, EBSCO, Web of Science, and PsycINFO). The results revealed that MIS is commonly evaluated by five scales. When considering the most tested and reported associative effects, age and symptoms’ severity were identified as potentially intervening variables. Other variables, such as sex, diagnostic and treatment regimen (inpatient/outpatient) were evaluated by few studies and presented inconsistent results. These findings suggest that future studies should use well-established instruments in the literature to assess MIS, as well as aim for the cross-cultural adaptation of instruments that evaluate MIS, since no instruments presented in this review are validated to Brazilian population. 


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