Core Self-Evaluations and Sportive Practice: Comparisons Between Practitioners and Nonpractitioners College Students

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Mikael Almeida Corrêa
Ana Cristina Garcia Dias


Generally, it is assumed that practicing sports may contribute to developing positive self-perceptions. However, this assumption is still controversial, especially in competitive sports, which are characterized by high amounts of pressure and possible frustrations. Therefore, this study aims to investigate and compare the core self-evaluations (CSE) of three groups of college students: competitive sports practitioners (CSP), recreational sports practitioners (RSP), and non-practitioners (NP). Participants were 703 college students from different regions of Brazil. Covariance analyses showed that CSP had significantly higher CSE means than RSP (p < 0.05) and NP (p < 0.001). The RSP also presented significantly higher means than NP (p < 0.001). Despite the controversies, the results demonstrate that individuals who practice sports, even at a competitive level, may present more positive CSE, which contributes to better adaptation to different life demands and greater personal agency.


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Clinical Psychology


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