Performance in receptive vocabulary and reading comprehension tests in elementary education students
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This article aims to outline the performance profile of students in the 3rd, 4th and 5th years of elementary education, of the public school, from the state of Rio de Janeiro, in receptive vocabulary and reading comprehension tests. 42 students participated, distributed in: GI (15 students of the 3rd year); and GII (15 students of the 4th year); GIII (12 students of the 5th year). The evaluation instruments used were the TVfusp and PROCOMLE tests. The results indicated a statistically significant difference for vocabulary and reading comprehension during the seriations, suggesting the influence of extrinsic factors, such as the medium in which the individual is inserted, and intrinsic factors, such as information processing and memory. We can conclude that there was a growing performance, in the comparison of groups, in vocabulary, as well as in variables related to the comprehension of the analyzed textual genres, making it possible to trace the profile of these students.
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